FOCUS CONSTRUCT is proud to support the Chain Reaction Challenge Foundation.
This Foundation supports AEIOU and Faction for Youth, both of which assist children with disabilities..
Over the years, Focus Construct has raised and donated approximately $18,000 to the Foundation. We believe that every child deserves to have equal access to education and opportunities.
By donating to Chain Reaction Challenge
Foundation, we are helping to create a
brighter future for these kids.
We are committed to continuing our support and look forward to making more donations in the future.
At Focus Construct, we are passionate about giving back to our community.
We are proud to have recently initiated a collaboration with TRACTION, developing a pilot 9 week pathways program. The program gave previous disengaged students an opportunity to gain valuable insight and experience in the construction industry.

At Focus Construction, we believe in giving back to the community. We are proud to regularly sponsor the Aspley Hornets golf day,
raising funds to support local charities.
This is our way of showing our commitment to the community and helping those in need.
Our team also participates in various charity activities throughout the year, such as food drives, donation drives, and other volunteer activities. We are passionate about making a difference in the world and are always looking for ways to help those in need.
If you have any ideas for how we can make a difference, please let us know
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